Join our Verification School!

We, at CHIPAHEAD, have decades of engineering experience among us. As our expertise in the Semiconductor Industry grows and our company matures, so does our belief in the power our work has to make a difference. We’ve witnessed, over the years, how our projects can become pieces of the puzzle that shows us how tomorrow will look like.

 Our team also passionately believes in giving back to the communities that shaped us.


Looking back at our vast array of projects and looking further ahead at the challenges the future will hold for our societies, our ambition is bold. We strive to help nurture a new generation of engineers who will help the world live safer, more prosperous and interconnected lives.


These are all reasons why CHIPAHEAD has proudly created its Verification School. It is a program we designed in order to teach others what we have learned through many years of hard and rewarding work.


We want to give a new generation the tools to succeed in this industry and, at the same time, instill in our trainees the passion that drove us these past years.


The CHIPAHEAD Verification School is a 6-month journey designed for final year students or recent graduates in Electronics or Computer Science who want to jumpstart their careers in engineering. The School is designed as follows:


  • 2 months of training for System Verilog & UVM;
  • 4 months of training on a real project, with an assigned mentor from our team.

 After spending 6 months in our Verification School, graduates of the program have the opportunity to become members of the CHIPAHEAD team.

 We are excited to meet the next shapers of a safer [digital] world!


In order to apply* to CHIPAHEAD’s Verification School, please send your Resume and a short cover letter at: For questions about the program, feel free to reach out to us anytime at the same e-mail address.


* Please bear in mind that the Verification School is designed for final year students of Electronics and Computers Science or recent graduates in the same field.